Easter Tidings

Easter Day: A Hymn of Praise

The Resurrection, Pietro Perugino (c. 1497-1507), Metropolitan Museum of Art

Sunday, April 9
Easter Sunday

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good,
for his mercy endures forever. ~ Ps 118.1

On this glorious Easter morning – glorious whatever the weather, which in my case is predicted to be a bit on the dreary side – as we rejoice in and celebrate the wondrous resurrection of Christ, I have some gratitude of my own to sprinkle around.  First, many thanks are owed to my friend and eagle-eyed editor, Pringle Franklin, who has faithfully (and efficiently) edited these reflections for many years, firmly but kindly questioning grammar, phrasing, and even at times theology, all in the service of making the meditations better.  I cannot thank her enough, and of course, any infelicities that remain are my responsibility.  Second, I want to thank you, my readers.  Some of you have been with me for all ten years, and some of you signed up last week.  I am grateful for all of you – for forwarding these on to friends and family members, for sending me the occasional email of encouragement (the reflection on knitting garnered an especially high response rate!), and especially for questioning or challenging something I’ve written.  This ministry would not exist without you.  What form it will take in the coming months and years remains to be seen – and I’d love to hear any suggestions or ideas, as I don’t want these reflections to become stale or repetitive.  And finally, of course, thanks be to God, for the gifts of his surpassing love, his embracing mercy, and his everlasting peace that truly, especially on this day, passes all understanding.  Happy Easter to you all!

To hear the Choir of Kings College (Cambridge) sing “Jesus Christ is Risen Today,” click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMwPEmUMP7U&list=PLoFJSythxVm6UJ-R0DexJXsYBhGxGXVJF

For today’s readings, click here: https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/040923.cfm