Songs for Lent

Song 2: The Company We Keep

February 15/Thursday after Ash Wednesday

Happy are those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or take the path that sinners tread, or sit in the seat of scoffers;

but their delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law they meditate day and night.  ~ Ps 1.1-2

In the past several years, a number of surveys have demonstrated that people’s eating habits are often strongly influenced by those around them, for better or worse.  If I see you ordering the steamed fish, I might pass up the French fries. You’re having the coconut layer cake?  Make it two, please.  Whether we own up to it or not, each of us is from time to time susceptible to the phenomenon of “behavioral mimicry,” in which our actions are shaped by and formed in response to interactions with others.   Today’s verses — the opening of the Psalter — prompt us to think not only about how we are conducting our lives, but with whom.  Are we “following the advice of the wicked,” making choices for self that subtract from the sum of goodness in the world?  Do we “take the path that sinners tread,” veering off the road that leads to God in favor of the glittering allure of the easy trail?  Do we ever “sit in the seat of scoffers,” distancing ourselves from the sometimes counter-cultural truths and occasionally difficult teachings of our faith?  During these days of self-reflection, it may be worth thinking about whether our friends are bringing us down or lifting us up towards God.  Whether they are companions of circumstance (fellow school parents, fellow yogistas, neighbors) or friends of choice, if the company we keep is not comprised of fellow travelers on the journey towards the kingdom, we may need to look elsewhere.  Surrounding ourselves with those who seek God will strengthen our own resolve and give new life to our faith. 

O Lord of creation, who knew that “it was not good for man to be alone,” give me the wisdom to choose my companions faithfully and well.  Amen.

For today’s readings, click here: