Songs for Lent

Song 6: The Hospitality Suite

February 28/First Tuesday of Lent

Glorify the LORD with me, let us together extol his name. ~ Ps 34.4

A friendly “hello” to visitors after Mass.  A weekly church supper that draws seniors, neighbors, and students from the nearby college campus.  A colorful banner hoisted on the church portico welcoming visitors to the religious services within.  These are but a few ways in which we “glorify the LORD” with one another, by extending the hand of hospitality and welcoming others to our faith community.  But true Christian hospitality entails more than just sharing a cup of coffee or raising a banner.  It means that we serve as the hands and feet of Christ in the lives of others.  Regardless of where we live, there is so much need in our immediate surroundings, so many ways we can serve as vessels of the overflowing hospitality embodied by Christ.  We might bring a meal to new parents, or run errands for a bereaved family, or visit those bound to their homes by age or illness.  And we can pray, everywhere and often, for everyone we encounter, silently distributing what the 20th-Century spiritual writer Richard Foster called “flash prayers” that envelop others in a quick blessing of love.   As Pope Francis has taught, “A reassuring word, an embrace that makes us feel understood. . . A prayer that makes us stronger. . . All these things express God’s closeness through the consolation offered by our brothers and sisters.”  If we are truly to extol God’s name, we must also extend ourselves at every opportunity to help this hurting world.  The law of the LORD is the law of love, and hospitality, and caring.  Let us follow that law in the days to come.

Gracious and generous God, Make my hand the hand of welcome, make my heart the heart of kindness, and imbue in me the grace of hospitality.  Amen.

To hear the Ensemble Weser-Renaissance Bremen sing “Benedicam Dominum in omni tempore” (Psalm 34.2-4) by Hieronymus Praetorius, click here:

For today’s readings, click here: