Keeping Advent

Keeping Advent 22: Exit Strategies

Joseph’s Dream, T’oros Roslin (c. 1262)

December 18/Fourth Sunday of Advent

When Joseph awoke, he did as the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took his wife into his home. ~ Matt. 1.24

Joseph wanted out.  His plans to marry a young village woman were upended when he learned of her unexpected – and inexplicable – pregnancy.  Being a righteous man (obedient to Jewish law), and having already entered into a marriage contract, he would normally have had to repudiate her publicly in a divorce trial (the established course of action ever since the Romans had abolished the Jewish penalty of death by stoning).  But being a righteous man in another sense (merciful and considerate), he determined to break the contract privately, sparing Mary shame.  It seemed like a reasonable plan, and even kind in its way.  There was just one snag: God had a different plan in mind.  He sent word to Joseph by a mysterious night messenger, issuing instructions that surely confounded this good man.  A son, conceived through the Holy Spirit? A son, who will save his people from their sins?  What a strange and hallucinatory dream this must have seemed.  But Joseph, precisely because he was a righteous, God-fearing man, accepted this mandate. Surrendering himself to what the martyred German Jesuit priest Alfred Delp called “the divine unpredictability,” he did as the angel had told him.  Like Joseph, we may find ourselves grappling with unexpected circumstances or unanticipated predicaments.  We may feel that God is calling us to do something beyond our ability, or contrary to our own plans.  Our tendency, like Joseph’s, may be to take matters into our own hands.  We would do better to put our trust in the guiding hand of the Lord.  Just as God intervened to redirect Joseph, so also does God operate in our lives, leading us down paths we do not always understand.  When we sense that call, we need to listen carefully and deeply, put our fears aside, and trust, trust, trust. 

Lord of Love, Lighten the darkness that surrounds me with the luminous power of your kindness and mercy, and help me to trust in you at all times.  Amen.

To hear the Westminster Choir (Joseph Flummerfelt, conductor) sing “Joseph dearest, Joseph mine,” click here:

For today’s readings, click here: