Keeping Advent

Keeping Advent 3: Being A Brownie

November 30/First Tuesday of Advent
Feast of Saint Andrew

As Jesus was walking by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon who is called Peter, and his brother Andrew, casting a net into the sea; for they were fishermen. ~ Matt 4.18

As a sister and a mother, I have both participated in and witnessed my fair share of sibling dynamics – from the deep sense of connection to the fierce rivalries that are endemic in those particular relationships (indeed, as one witty researcher noted, to understand the human thirst for revenge it is only necessary to have had a sibling).  So the apostle Andrew, whose feast day we celebrate today, has always interested me, especially in his relationship to his flashier brother, Simon Peter.  Throughout the Gospels, Andrew plays second fiddle (despite later becoming known in the Greek tradition as the “Protoclete,” or “first-called”).  His brother captures the bulk of attention, culminating in Matthew’s depiction of Jesus founding his church upon the rock (petra) of Peter (petros).  And yet Andrew serves his Lord quietly and faithfully, embodying the life of simple service that Jesus preaches throughout his ministry: identifying the boy who had the loaves and fishes, facilitating a meeting between Jesus and some Greeks who wanted to see him, furthering his Lord’s work in small but meaningful ways.  Even though he did not have a leadership role or attain the glorious heights of achievement of his brother Simon Peter, he served, and served well.  President Taft’s great-granddaughter used to introduce herself as follows: “My name is Martha Bowers Taft. My great-grandfather was President of the United States, my grandfather was a United States Senator, my daddy is Ambassador to Ireland, and I am a Brownie.”  Andrew was, perhaps, the quintessential Brownie, doing what good he could in the world, striving for holiness and not power, peace and not fame.  Not all of us can become president of the country, or first among equals in our circles.  But all of us can contribute, as Andrew did, to the coming of the kingdom.  

Lord, Imbue in me the spirit of service so that I may hasten the coming of your kingdom by acts large and small.  Amen.

For today’s readings, click here:

To hear the Polk Street United Methodist Church (Amarillo, Texas) sing “Jesus Calls Us,” click here: