Songs for Lent

Song 2: The Company We Keep

February 18/Thursday after Ash Wednesday

Happy are those who do not follow the advice of the wicked,
or take the path that sinners tread, or sit in the seat of scoffers; 
but their delight is in the law of the Lord,
and on his law they meditate day and night.  ~ Ps 1.1-2

If there is one thing we have learned as a society in the past several months, it is this: the company we keep matters.  Our social connections — or perhaps more accurately, our social media connections — have an enormous influence on our attitudes and behaviors.  In reflecting on the dangers of ill-chosen company, today’s psalm verses reach across the millennia, conveying their ancient wisdom to an age that sorely needs it.  In 2021, the “advice of the wicked” finds its parallel in Facebook’s algorithm-fueled rage and Twitter’s incendiary tweets.  The modern epitomes of the  “path that sinners tread” are today’s solipsistic news feeds that lead to intolerance and self-confirmed thinking.  And the modern editions of the “seat of scoffers” are the news desks and webcams of cable anchors, TV pundits, and internet purveyors of hate who foment division and valorize scorn.  How, we may ask, do these wicked ones, these sinners, these scoffers, contribute to the sum of good in the world?   “Happy” indeed are those who do not follow their advice, or take their path, or sit in their seat; “blessed” are those who exercise restraint, who hold back, who refuse to give in to anger, or demonization, or contempt for others.  It is easier, always, to yield to our baser instincts — especially when anonymity relieves us of accountability.   Earning the status of āšrē, which means happy or blessed, is sometimes a matter not acting, of turning from the hateful posts and the screaming cable hosts to sit in the presence of God and let ourselves dwell in the stillness of prayer.  Now that is good company to keep.

O Lord of creation, Give us the strength and forbearance to pull back from the noise and jangle of the world and focus our attention upon you.  Amen.

For today’s readings, click here:

To hear the Choir of Wells Cathedral chant “Blessed is the Man” (Psalm 1), click here: