Keeping Advent

Keeping Advent 26: The Dawn of Peace

December 24/Fourth Thursday of Advent

In the tender compassion of our God the dawn from on high shall break upon us, to shine on those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death, and to guide our feet into the way of peace.  ~ Luke 1.79

At the very edge of the dark world, a world of deep anxiety, political and social disintegration, and religious apathy, a glimmer of light appears.  It has been there all along; perhaps only now, after these Advent days of prayer and preparation, do we become aware of it.  There is something inborn in us that propels us toward this light.  We begin walking, slowly, uncertain of what lies ahead, knowing only that we must stop dwelling in darkness.  And on that journey towards the light, we shed the detritus of our lives along the roadside: the broken promises, the wounded relationships, the disappointments and failures, the hurtful words and actions, the many sins of omission and commission.  As we walk, we sense the shadow of death lurking nearby, especially menacing in this pandemic year — but there is another unseen presence, too, the presence of the One who bears a rod and a staff to comfort and guide us.   The One who shelters us under the shadow of his wing. The One who has promised to be with us, wherever we go and whatever we face.  And as we make our way forward, the light ahead appears to expand, gradually, until suddenly the gorgeous colors of dawn explode over the horizon.   The beauteous heavenly light of Christmas shines upon us as we strive to leave the darkness behind.  Transcending our pessimism, healing our divisions, the Lord is come, tender, compassionate, and abounding in love, to guide our feet into the way of peace.  Thanks be to God!

Lord, Our hearts are full of gratitude and joy as we prepare to celebrate your birth tomorrow.  Grant us the gift of your everlasting peace this season and forever.  Amen.

For today’s readings, click here:

To hear the King’s College (Cambridge) choir sing “Break Forth, O Beauteous, Heavenly Light,” click here:

Here ends “Keeping Advent 2020.”
May you all have a merry, merry Christmas!