Keeping Advent

Keeping Advent 24: Let Your Life Sing

The Visitation (miniature from the Book of Hours of Simon de Varie, 15th century)

December 22/Fourth Tuesday of Advent

Mary said, “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord; my spirit rejoices in God my savior.”  ~ Luke 1.46

Decades ago, after successfully completing interviews that would propel me to the final round of a scholarship competition, I floated into the car for the two-hour drive home and immediately popped the Hallelujah chorus from Handel’s Messiah into the cassette player (today I would surely choose from among several versions on Spotify!).  As I headed down the highway, I blasted Handel’s glorious anthem at full volume, finding in its majestic energy a perfect outlet for the joy and gratitude I felt.   At moments when we are moved beyond the reach of language, many of us turn to song — as Mary does today.  Lifted up by the generous embrace of her cousin Elizabeth, Mary begins to recognize the magnitude of what God is doing through her, and with her, and in her.  In joyfully acknowledging the blessings of God’s mercy, she signals her intention to carry them forward, to cooperate fully with God in fulfilling his plan. Mary is not, as she has sometimes been depicted, an archetype of weakness or passivity; rather, she absorbs God’s life-altering message and proclaims the new world that He is bringing about.  Having freely offered her body to God to bear His son, she now gives Him her singing soul, her rejoicing spirit.  With her Magnificat, she truly becomes God’s creative instrument — strong, joyful, and graced with the courage to bear his Word.  We, too, can offer ourselves to God as Mary did, drawing on the prayer of early 20th-century French mystic Elisabeth Leseur: “Take me and use me, as your most humble tool, for the good of souls—for your service.”  As we sing Christ into the world this Christmas, let us offer a whole-hearted, full-throated hallelujah!

Lord, Animate my spirit with your joy so that I may sing a new song with all my heart and soul.  Amen.

For today’s readings, click here:

To hear La Capella Reial de Catalunya sing Antonio Vivaldi’s Magnificat, click here:

Bonus track! To hear the Royal Choral Society sing the Hallelujah Chorus from Handel’s Messiah at Royal Albert Hall, click here: