Keeping Advent

Keeping Advent 23: Let the Sun Shine In

December 21/Fourth Monday of Advent

The flowers appear on the earth; the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land. ~ Song of Songs 2.11

“And how does this happen to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?”  ~ Luke 1.43

It has been an extraordinarily, even existentially dark year, hasn’t it?  On top of the political and economic clouds that have stubbornly lingered, the shortening days of autumn have left many of us more downcast than usual.   We miss the extra light of those spring and summer afternoons that served as a life-giving outlet in our COVID confinement.   But today, on the winter solstice – the shortest, darkest day of the year – things take a turn for the better.  And our readings herald the joy to come, throwing open the windows and letting the light stream in.  It is impossible to read Song of Songs’ paean to the coming exuberance of spring without a spreading sense of warmth and joy inside.  And in Luke’s Gospel, Elizabeth pays the joy forward, welcoming Mary with gladness, the winter of her discontent over as she joyfully awaits the birth of her own son and the son of her cousin.  For Elizabeth, the cup of blessing runs over.  Freshly aware of her good fortune, she pours out her gratitude.  “And how does this happen to me?” she practically sings, “that I should be lucky enough to receive such a visitation?”  This is the question that all of us might ask, even — especially — in times of trial.  How does it happen to us that Christ comes, and in so many different forms: in the power of his Word, in the gift of his Eucharist, in the love of family members and friends, in the quiet of prayer, and a few days from now, in the simplicity of the manger.  Love, we know, is stronger than death, and light will ultimately chase away the shadows.  As we wait in hope, let us give thanks for his coming.

Lord of light and hope, amid the darkening shadows, help me remember that the promise of new life is just around the corner.  Amen.

For today’s readings, click here:

To hear Stile Antico sing Francisco Guerrero’s Surge, Propera Mea, from the Song of Songs, click here: