Keeping Advent

Keeping Advent 18: Undoubtedly

December 16/Third Wednesday of Advent

John summoned two of his disciples and sent them to the Lord to ask, “Are you the one who is to come, or should we look for another?”  ~ Luke 7.18

Residing comfortably in ambiguity — or to put it more colorfully, living amid the gray — is one of the most challenging tasks we have, in our family life, our professional life, and our spiritual life.  We crave certainty; we want clear and unchanging answers.  Posing difficult questions, taking on thorny religious topics, giving voice to uncertainty — well, doubt can feel downright dangerous, especially to those of us whose identity is bound up with our faith practice.  Perhaps, somewhat ironically (since he is not known for bringing comfort), the redoubtable prophet John the Baptist can bring us some measure of comfort in this regard.   For when John’s disciples report to him of Jesus’ travels through the Galilean countryside, his preaching and healing, John is uncertain.  Perhaps this is not how he thought the long-expected Messiah was supposed to act.  But rather than squashing his doubt, he asks the difficult question.  Is Jesus truly who he claims to be?  The answer he receives is indirect and what today we might call “evidence-based.”  Look at what I am doing, Christ says, and judge for yourself.  By daring to doubt, John comes to a fuller understanding of the Messiah for whom he has prepared the way — and so do we.  Pope Francis has described doubt as integral to the life of faith:  “We do not need to be afraid of questions and doubts because they are the beginning of a path of knowledge and going deeper; one who does not ask questions cannot progress either in knowledge or in faith.”  Let us not shrink from vocalizing our doubts, even about core questions of our faith.  We might learn something.

O God, you who are the Way, the Truth, and the Life, Help me to view doubt as a fundamental element of my seeking.  Amen.

For today’s readings, click here:

To hear the Choristers of St. Paul’s Cathedral (with the City of London Sinfonia) sing “The Call,” by Ralph Vaughan Williams, click here: