Easter Tidings

Easter Tidings 5: Seizing the Day

April 17/Friday in the Octave of Easter

When Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he put on some clothes, for he was naked, and jumped into the sea. ~ Jn 21.7

Many years ago, when I was a teenager, an Episcopal priest who had been a great mentor to me was due to be installed as rector at a church elsewhere in my state.  It would be a stretch for me to get there on a school night.  Everyone involved in the decision counseled me against it, but left the final choice up to me.  I went, despite the practical difficulties, and I have never regretted it.  Which times do we remember — the times when we were careful, prudent, and sensible, or the times when, animated by love, we acted spontaneously, generously, perhaps putting ourselves out for another? As a parent of young adults, I am all for the virtues of prudence and good sense; we have to use our heads, after all.  But there are moments that call forth a different response, moments that call to the heart, and those moments demand something else altogether.  Peter’s reaction on learning that the man who stood on the shore at the Sea of Galilee was Jesus is a wonderful example of this impulse of love.  Probably clad only in a loincloth in the hot sun, he paused only to make himself presentable to his Lord and then precipitously jumped into the sea, unwilling to wait for the fishing boat to make its way in.  Throughout our lives, God presents us with many opportunities to love extravagantly, and the current pandemic is a just such an opportunity.  Brave and dedicated health care workers, compassionate landlords, helpful neighbors, and so many others continue to act from a spirit of generosity and love.  God is standing on the shore waiting for us.  Let us, like Peter, take a moment to tidy up — and then jump in with both feet.  The world needs us all.

Loving Lord, Help me discern what you are calling me to do, and to respond in love with all my heart, and my soul, and my strength.  Amen.

To hear the Guildford Cathedral Choir sing “O Jesus, I Have Promised,” click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjmWZ49pnGY

For today’s readings, click here: http://www.usccb.org/bible/readings/041720.cfm