Keeping Advent

Keeping Advent 22: Showing Up

Domenico Ghirlandaio, Visitation (1491), Louvre Museum

December 22/Fourth Sunday of Advent

Mary set out and traveled to the hill country in haste to a town of Judah, where she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth. When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the infant leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth, filled with the Holy Spirit, cried out in a loud voice.
~ Luke 1.39-41

Between the long, enforced isolation of the Covid years (which still reverberates in our lives) and the intrusive omnipresence of smart phones, the very notion of friendship seems frayed these days.  We cancel dates (and even entire relationships) through screens, we text-bleat our concern for another (“LMK how I can help”) but don’t actually call or stop by to check in, we shrug off the claims of church and social gatherings.  Today’s Gospel invites us to glimpse the beauty and grace of sheer presence.  Upon hearing of her older cousin’s pregnancy (from the angel Gabriel, not on Instagram), Mary immediately makes the arduous journey to be at her cousin’s side, even though she herself is in those unsettled early days of pregnancy.  The warmth of their physical greeting is so profound that it radiates inward to the baby in Elizabeth’s womb, who gives a good hearty kick, multiplying the women’s joy.  In this beautiful vignette, these two women take center stage (a rarity in the Bible), as they rejoice in the good news of God’s work in their lives and reflect on its significance for them and for the world.  Their time with each other does not “accomplish” anything, as the world defines accomplishment.  But the comfort and support they provide each other in a challenging moment actually creates a new beginning, giving them the courage to proceed with their lives, trusting in God and buoyed by their mutual bond.  Sometimes there is simply no substitute for being there – sitting quietly with a friend in a hospital waiting room, sharing a daily meal with family members, checking in on an elderly acquaintance.  The ministry of presence, so powerfully embodied by Mary and Elizabeth, is more life-enriching than any social network that’s out there.

 God, grant me the grace to show up for those in my life, sure in the knowledge that being there is sometimes the best ministry of all.  Amen.

For today’s readings, click here:

To hear the Currende Vocal Ensemble sing “Exsurgens Maria abiit” (And Mary arose and traveled . . . “), click here: