Songs for Lent

Song 35: All the Light We Can See

April 3/Monday of Holy Week

The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom should I fear?
Though an army encamp against me, my heart will not fear; though war be waged upon me, even then will I trust. ~ Ps 27.1, 3

For the past several weeks, ever since the scaffolding was removed, my gaze (and, I believe, the gaze of many of my fellow parishioners) has been inexorably drawn to the dramatic painting of the Crucifixion that centers our beautifully-restored sanctuary.  Other than a small horizontal band of light in the lower corn, surrounding the luminescent radiance of the dying Christ is utter darkness.  For those who are paying attention, a darkness pervades this Monday morning.  We know the loss and grief that are to come.  And this loss, mourned and celebrated each spring, may bring to mind other losses we have experienced – an adverse health diagnosis; the death of a relationship; the grief that accompanies nearly all transitions, however minor they may seem.  Yet as people of faith, we must accept, perhaps even learn to embrace the losses we encounter.  “The spiritual life,” wrote Evelyn Underhill, “is a stern choice.  It is not a consoling retreat from the difficulties of existence, but an invitation to enter fully into that difficult existence, and there apply the Charity of God and bear the costs.” As the darkness approaches, as we go towards the particular agony of the Cross, trust becomes the only way through:  trust that new life lies on the other side of death, trust that a merciful, compassionate God will shepherd us as we take each halting step forward, and trust that the luminous light that is Christ will guide us out of the darkness, if we but keep our eyes focused on him.  “For with you is the fountain of life,” the psalmist sings in another of his songs (Ps. 36.9), “and in your light we see light.”

O God of death and God of life, Illuminate my path and strengthen my faith as I accompany you through Calvary.  Amen.

To hear the Goteborg Baroque sing “Dominus illuminatio mea” by Baroque composer Franz Tunder, click here:

To hear the New Jerusalem Baptist Church Choir sing “The Lord is My Light and My Salvation” by L. Bouknight, click here:

For today’s readings, click here: