Keeping Advent

Keeping Advent 4: Only Connect

Plaque with the Calling of Saints Peter and Andrew, British, The Cloisters

November 30/First Wednesday of Advent
Feast of Saint Andrew

He said to them, “Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.” At once they left their nets and followed him. ~ Matt 4.19-20

Andrew, whose feast day we celebrate on this last day of November, is what we might anachronistically call a “team player.”  He is a true connector of people; when he appears in Scripture, he is never singled out, but always found in the company of others who follow Christ.  We first meet him on the edge of the Sea of Galilee, with his brother Simon Peter.  Later, with Peter, James, and John, he approaches Jesus on the Mount of Olives to ask about the destruction of the Temple that Jesus has foretold.  He identifies the boy who has five barley loaves and two fish and brings him to Jesus.  He and his fellow apostle Philip tell Jesus about some Greeks who wish to meet him.  I’ve sometimes wondered whether Andrew felt overshadowed by his more famous brother, Simon Peter, who was the presumptive first among equals, the rock on whom Jesus founded the church.  Andrew doesn’t get much recognition, but perhaps he wasn’t looking for it.  At the risk of projecting 21st century values onto a 1st century apostle, I believe that Andrew understood what Christ was calling him to do, and he accepted that his role was member of the chorus, not soloist.  Not all of us are called to be in the limelight, or to be individual operators in our faith communities.  Perhaps, in fact, our call resembles Andrew’s: to engage, to connect, and to work in communion with our fellow Christians to do whatever we can to realize the kingdom of God on earth.

Loving God, Instill in me a spirit of service, that I may hasten the coming of your kingdom by acts large and small.  Amen.

To hear the Guildford Cathedral Choir sing “Jesus calls us,” click here:

For today’s readings, click here: