Songs for Lent

Song 19: Boundaries

Garden wall, Packwood House (Warwickshire, England)

March 23/Third Wednesday of Lent

For he has strengthened the bars of your gates. ~ Ps 147.13

Walls, fences, gates — they can function as tools of exclusion.  But looked at from another perspective, they create spaces that are inclusive, protected, and apart (interestingly, the Hebrew word for holiness connotes apartness).  Think of garden walls that frame a beautiful outdoor room, or a small fence around a sapling that allows it to grow and flourish, safe from predators.  We, too, have a deep need for spiritual and temporal boundaries — something we are not very good at constructing even in normal circumstances.  In the age of COVID, it has been especially difficult to fence off time and space for our spirits when the demands of work and family have pressed so acutely upon us.  For many, working from home has erased the dividing line between job and personal life.  Even as omicron recedes, we continue to feel the absence of what psychologists call “boundary events,” such as family celebrations or work milestones that normally divide time.  And with our ever-present smartphones constantly pinging and ringing in our ears, it is harder than ever to make a place in time that is truly ours.  The psalmist today reminds us of the importance of doing so.  Among the many actions for which God is praised, here he is lauded for protecting Jerusalem’s inhabitants by strengthening the bars of their gates.  If we but ask him, God will help protect us from the sound and the fury that signify nothing.  We will find the wherewithal to unplug the devices, to put aside the work, to be present to others.  And in the safety of the heart’s quiet, we will find the space to connect with God in moments of prayerful peace.  

Lord, Give me the wisdom and strength I need to establish appropriate and life-giving boundaries in my life.  Amen.

For today’s readings, click here:

To hear the Guildford Cathedral Choir chant Psalm 147, click here: