Keeping Advent

Keeping Advent 9: Obstacle Course

Healing the Paralytic (Jésus-Christ prouve en guérissant un paralytique, qu’il a le pouvoir de pardonner les péchés), Claude Vignon (1593-1670)

December 6/Second Monday of Advent

Just then some men came, carrying a paralyzed man on a bed. They were trying to bring him in and lay him before Jesus; but finding no way to bring him in because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and let him down with his bed through the tiles into the middle of the crowd in front of Jesus. ~ Luke 5.18-19

With each passing month, as the corona virus continues to upend family schedules, career paths, travel patterns, social interactions, and supply chains, it has felt as if the path forward is becoming more and more littered with obstacles.  Nothing seems easy or straightforward any longer, and plans are only plans until they have to be changed.  We can readily identify with the plight of the friends of the paralyzed man, facing hostile authorities, a jostling, sharp-elbowed crowd, and the difficulty of maneuvering with a heavy pallet.  And in the center, seemingly out of reach, Jesus Christ.  It must have been tempting for them just to give up and lug their friend back home. But instead of throwing up their hands, fueled by love for their friend and faith in this healer, this Christ, they found another way.  The new path, too, had its challenges: they had to clamber up to remove roof tiles, maneuver the pallet awkwardly into position, and carefully lower it into the middle of the crowd, in front of Jesus. But then: healing, grace, and wholeness.  We, too, we may feel that a real connection to Christ is beyond our reach, blocked by a culture that dismisses faith as the province of the simple-minded, and a mob of priorities that jostles for our attention.  We may take the path of least resistance, skipping prayer, eschewing Bible reading, opting to stay in our pajamas on a Sunday morning rather than joining a church community in worship.  The choice is ours: we can give up, or we can ask for the faith to persevere in our efforts to place ourselves in front of Christ.  And if we do persevere: healing, grace, wholeness.  The paralytic and his friends show us the way.

Loving God, As we strive to reach you every day, bless us with the gift of a tenacious faith that will not be hindered by the obstacles in our way.  Amen.

For today’s readings, click here:

To hear the Tshwane Gospel Choir sing “Heal My Soul, Lord,” click here: