Keeping Advent

Keeping Advent 17: Actions > Words

Boy Scouts on orderly duty at a fruit-picking camp near Cambridge, England, wash up after the evening meal (1943)

December 15/Third Tuesday of Advent

“Which of the two did his father’s will?”  Matthew 21.31

Having had at least one teenaged son in the house for the past 15 years (at the peak there were three at once), I have developed a keen appreciation for the comic strip Zits, which chronicles the lives of the teenager Jeremy and his long-suffering parents.  In one of my favorites, the father is kneeling over his unconscious wife.  As he tries to revive her, he calls, “Jeremy, your mother’s out cold!  What happened?” And Jeremy replies, “I put my dishes in the sink.”  In other words, he finally did what his mother had asked him to do!  As today’s Gospel suggests, mere verbal agreement to do God’s will is not enough.  The second son, who paid lip service to his father’s request that he go work in the vineyard, may have had every good intention — or he may have simply wanted to get his father off his back by telling him what he wanted to hear.  For us, well-meaning but sometimes unreliable children of God that we are, we may make promises to God about what we intend to do — pray regularly, call that lonely aunt, attend daily Mass, clean up the cluttered kitchen counters, support a charity.  But good intentions do not deepen our relationship with God, comfort aunts, or keep charities afloat.  We have to follow throughAny of us can produce excuses as to why we “can’t” make good on a commitment.  In the end, as we’ve all known since we were children, what we do is more important than what we say.   If we hear Christ’s call, and act according to his will, we will be doing our part to prepare his way.

O God whose promises are firm and everlasting, Let my words and actions align with your will, today and forevermore.  Amen. 

For today’s readings, click here:

To hear “I Sing a Song of the Saints of God,” click here: