Easter Tidings

Special Announcement

Dear Friends,

Many of you have commented that the daily Lenten reflections I have been offering have been especially helpful during this year’s season of uncertainty. As you know, I have traditionally limited these reflections to the confines of Advent and Lent. While I am not able to continue indefinitely, I am going to do something new this year. I will offer “Easter Tidings,” one additional week of meditations that will carry us through what in the Catholic Church is known as the Octave of Easter.

After pausing for Easter Sunday — which I hope most of us will celebrate virtually, but wholeheartedly — I will begin again on Monday, April 13, wrapping up on Sunday, April 19, Divine Mercy Sunday (or, if you prefer, “Thomas Sunday”). The format and method of delivery will be the same; there is no need to do anything on your end (unless you wish to unsubscribe, of course).

It has been truly a joy to walk through these difficult times with all of you. Thank you for sharing your reactions, your challenges, and your hopes with me either on this website or via email.

All the best,

1 thought on “Special Announcement

  1. Oh thank you for the beautiful extra bonus, Betsy! Have a holy and hope-filled Holy Week and a Blessed Easter!

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