Keeping Advent

Keeping Advent 18: Small Ball

December 18/Third Wednesday of Advent

When Joseph awoke, he did as the angel of the Lord had commanded him.  ~ Matt. 1.24

What is God asking of me? This is one of the central questions we may put forward in prayer, as we listen for the voice of God in our lives.  But often, God’s plan is underway well before we understand it: human comprehension lags well behind divine implementation!  And the divine plan, when we do see it emerging, doesn’t always suit us.  We want to conquer cities: God gives us a village.  We aspire to hit home runs; God asks us to bunt to advance another player.  We want to live a quiet life out of the fray; God drags us into the midst of civic or professional or personal frenzy.  In today’s Gospel, Joseph simply wished to extricate himself from a complicated situation that he had not asked for: Mary’s unexpected and untimely pregnancy.   He came up with a plan that he thought would spare both Mary and him embarrassment: a quiet parting of the ways.  But God had a different idea, and communicated it to Joseph in the setting of a dream.  The angel did not explain every detail of what was to come, but placed Joseph’s marriage to Mary in the context of God’s saving work, and asked Joseph to play his part in that work.  Being “a righteous man,” and trusting in God, Joseph heeded the divine command.  So God operates in our lives, too, leading us in directions we do not always understand, and asking us to trust his guiding hand as He assigns to each of us our role in the story of salvation.  

Loving God, Shepherd me beyond my doubts and fears to take up the work you have assigned me.  Amen.

For today’s readings, click here: