Songs for Lent

Song 12: Keeping Up Appearances

February 27/Second Tuesday of Lent

 “Why do you recite my statutes, and profess my covenant with your mouth,
Though you hate discipline and cast my words behind you?
To him that goes the right way I will show the salvation of God.” ~ Ps 50.16-17, 23

Today, God takes us to task for the sin of hypocrisy.  The vehemence of these verses should not be glossed over.  The language is strong: twice God says, “I rebuke you.”  The verbs are forceful: we are indicted on charges of “hating” discipline and “casting” (or more accurately, “flinging”) God’s words behind us while keeping up the appearance of piety and propriety.  The questions are pointed and direct.  “Why,” God asks, “do you recite my statutes and profess my covenant with your mouth?”  Centuries later, there is little difference between us and the people of Israel, who paid lip service to the commandments while doing exactly as they pleased.  Centuries later, there is little difference between us and the scribes and Pharisees of today’s Gospel lesson, who failed to practice as they preached.  We put on a show of goodness, convincing others that we are well-intentioned, fundamentally virtuous, and utterly upright.  But behind the facade, we resist following God’s directions, eschewing any of his commands that might cramp our lifestyle or foreclose our options.  Who among us truly honors the Sabbath?  Who among us has not coveted what a neighbor has?  Who among us has not “killed” with the sharp word or the over-critical eye?  God sees through our hypocrisy; he is neither deaf nor blind to our transgressions, and he knows exactly where we are in error.  Today we are reminded that there is a right way and a wrong way to go.  The “right way” is going to look a little bit different for each of us.  But for all of us, it will ultimately be the way and the truth of life in God.

Lord Jesus Christ, Help me find in you my way, my truth, and my life.  Amen.

For today’s readings, click here: